Raising awareness to the issue of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls in Canada

A film about #MMIWG, 1200+ is a documentary featuring Indigenous Leader Sheila North, Directed by Leonard Yakir and Co-produced by Sheila North and Leonard Yakir.
Former Grand Chief Sheila North was gifted a diary kept by the foster parents of 17-year-old MMIWG2S+ victim Cherisse Houle. They asked that North promise to tell Cherisse's story. 1200+ fulfills that promise.
One of Sheila’s passions is working with Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities to raise awareness about the national tragedy of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls, 2S+ (MMIWG2S+) and is the original creator of the hashtag #MMIW during her time as a journalist in the early stages of the awareness movement. She continues to work closely with families, friends and Indigenous and non-Indigenous leaders to address the violence against Indigenous women that has resulted in the current crisis. Sheila has succeeded in engaging people in responding to the critical issue of MMIWG2S+ through a variety of means, including speaking publicly, through the documentary “1200+”, and now through an accompanying online awareness course that highlights some of the systemic issues that place Indigenous women at greater risk for violence and sexual exploitation.
"This film is important for us and our Indigenous communities as we need to raise awareness and bring international attention to the issue of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls in Canada. We invite those to see the film to learn more about the issue of MMIWG2S+ in Canada and how it impacts our communities and families across the country. I know those dark corners of Canada’s towns and cities that need more light and helping hands reaching in, and that’s a big reason we made this documentary. I hope people are inspired to make a change." - Sheila North, Film Co-Creator.
Due to overwhelming interest from those wanting to learn more, an awareness course and curriculum on MMIWG2S+ was created to pair with the film 1200+. Created with support from the Canadian Women Foundation and written by Dr. Anita Olsen Harper, the MMIWG2S+ Awareness Course supports the cause. It is a learning tool for individuals, corporate groups, and educational institutions. Each participant receives a certificate upon completion of the course.
The 1200+ team has worked hard to address Indigenous women's rights and support other Indigenous organizations that advocate for those who can no longer advocate for themselves and their families and friends.

Book a viewing
If you would like to book a film viewing for your community, classes, programs, organization or family - please submit your information below.
We've teamed up with the Winnipeg Film Group to organize viewings. So submit your request and keep an eye out for the viewing information via email to watch the 90-minute film.
If you are interested in having Sheila speak at your event or would like to learn more through our newly produced MMMIG2S+ Awareness course, please indicate that, and we will organize that with you as well.

Get involved
The MMIWG2S+ community needs more compassionate allies to help support and create positive change! There is hope for our loved ones impacted by gender-based violence, so become an ally by taking action and responsibility for making changes to help those affected succeed.
To show your support on the issue and become an ally with Indigenous people, there are several ways you can help.
Hang a red dress or an image of a red dress outside your home to let your neighbours know you care for and support MMIWG2S+, leave it up year-round or save it for May 5th - National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.
Attend a Red Dress Day event in your area.
Contact a local leader in your area, like an MP, MLA, or Chief, to express your support and encouragement of families and survivors of this national epidemic. Ask for better help and push for safer communities for Indigenous people.
Educate yourself, your workplaces and your loved ones on the MMIWG2S+ crisis. Take time to learn about Indigenous history and how colonization, systemic racism and gender-based violence contribute to the issue of MMIWG2S+. Consider your thoughts and beliefs regarding MMIWG2S+, Indigenous people and what Truth and Reconciliation means to you.
Use the #MMIW #MMIWG2S #MMIR #MMEIWG2S #RedDressDay hashtags to continue the conversation on social media.
Stay connected to the MMIWG2S+ community; several initiatives and pages support the cause, including the 1200+ Facebook page.
Please donate to our support fund for Indigenous women working towards self-sufficiency. Proceeds go towards education and resources being developed for Indigenous women and girls. ​
MMIWG2S+ Awareness Course
The 1200+ team has developed an MMIWG2S+ awareness course to accompany the film.
The issue of MMIWG2S+ is an ongoing issue in Canada, and to many, it’s considered genocide. The work continues as many raise awareness to end violence against Indigenous women, girls, and 2spirit+.
We invite anyone wanting to learn more about Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2Spirit+ to watch the 1200+ film and take the corresponding MMIWG2S+ Awareness Course that will give you an insight into the problem and what you can do about it.
This course is recommended for education, corporate environments, and anyone interested in learning more.
For Families
Family Information Liasons Unit (FILU)
Family Information Liaison Units (FILUs), available in every province and territory, work directly with families to access information about their missing and murdered loved ones from multiple government sources.
FILUs are delivered through victim services and Indigenous community organizations.
For Policy Makers & General Public
Read the National Inquiry into MMIWG & Support its Calls to Justice
Whether you're a policy maker or part of the General public, do your part in ensuring the Government of Canada implements the recommendations from the 2019 National Inquiry into MMIWG2S+. Download the complete list of recommendations below.
(A video and summary of Sheila North's chosen top recommendations from the report are coming soon...)